GIVE US A CALL: 551-349-0389

Code Of Conduct

J.C. Hines Bus Tour seeks to create and maintain a tone of the highest personal and group conduct for the duration of the college tour.  Each participant is responsible for his/her own behavior.  In acting responsible, the participant will observe and respect all J.C. Hines College Bus Tour personnel at ALL Times.  The rules of the code of conduct are addressed as follows:


All participants must dress in a manner that is respectful to themselves and others.  NO excessively baggy clothing, NO clothing exposing the midriff area or the lower portion of the buttocks; NO clothing offensive/vulgar pictures, logos’ or wording allowed.


All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not disturb others.  NO loud talking; NO using vulgarity, profanity, or sexually suggestive language or innuendos.  NO reading, viewing, or listening to obscene material.  NO loud music, NO improper conduct with any other participants.  Again, participants are expected to follow the instructions of ALL J.C. Hines College Bus Tour personnel.

College/University Visits

All participants are expected to be respectful at all presentations given by the College University’s Representatives.  Participants are expected to be attentive, quiet, and orderly while touring each institution.  Participants should remain with their assigned group at ALL times unless otherwise stated by the J.C. Hines College Bus tour personnel.  There should be NO wandering off without permission.  Participants shall report to ALL designated areas at the designated times.  While on a campus tour, the participant’s use of Cell Phones, iPods, and any other electronic device which would cause a distraction are prohibited.

Substance Abuse

All participants are expected NOT to engage in the use of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or smoking while on this Tour.

AT NO time will a Male tour participant be allowed to a Female tour participant’s room; nor will a Female tour participant be allowed in a Male tour participant’s room.

Bullying is a serious offense.  It will not be tolerated on this tour.  It is grounds for immediate dismissal from the Tour.

All student participants must be in their rooms by 11:00 p.m. with lights out by 12 midnight.

**Failure to adhere to the above rules may result in disciplinary action such as sending the student participant home at the Parent’s expense.  Parents will be contacted to discuss the appropriate method of discipline.